A gluten-free food blog.

Welcome! My name is Kate and I suffer from Celiac disease. I became aware of my body's disapproval of gluten over 10 years ago and have slowly been adjusting to a new lifestyle. I am, thankfully, not as sensitive as some - I can eat things cooked in the same kitchen, even the same fryer - so stay aware of your own sensitivities when taking gluten-free tips and advice. I hope these reviews of GF restaurants, foods, recipes and products will help you with your own changes of lifestyle, whether they are a choice or a requirement.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

From across the country and Across the Pond

It has been far too long since I've been able to make an entry here. Between moving from Connecticut down to north Texas and finding new jobs I haven't had a lot of time to sit down and write. I haven't been off the hunt for good gluten-free restaurants though. Recently we made a trip to a place I found through the iPhone app "Find me Gluten Free". It is located in Colleyville, Texas which is conveniently right around the corner from where we are currently living.

The restaurant is called From Across the Pond and is run by a lovely English family who really knows gluten-free. It is casual in it's decor but brilliant when it comes to it's menu. One of the owners suffers from Celiac disease so I had no worries trusting their gluten-free menu and process. I love that they have a completely separate GF menu and it's not just a few items either. My husband does not have to eat wheat free but since we share a lot of items (especially since we've gotten to the south where portions are HUGE) he often gets to weigh in on the taste of foods compared to the wheat-filled counterparts.

First off, when I came in and requested a gluten-free menu they happily obliged and also told us they would bring a basket of complimentary GF garlic bread. The bread was hot and toasty and came with a little bowl of marinara for dipping. It was the perfect amount to nibble on while waiting for our food to come. They were also kind enough to check that dairy was acceptable before putting cheese on the bread.

We have tried several gluten-free pizza places since arriving in our new home but most of them have been rated somewhere between "okay" and "acceptable". Really none of them had produced anything to get incredibly excited about until we got to From Across the Pond. Their pizza was not a flat bread, it was a genuine, regular crust pizza made from rice flour. It was light and crispy and didn't at all leave me wanting. The toppings were fresh and the cheese was plentiful and I was absolutely stuffed after sharing the 12" pizza with the hubby.

The place is BYOB so I don't have any gluten-free drinks to report on but obviously it wouldn't be a problem to bring your own. As it was we stuck with soda and they were quick and happy to bring refills whenever we needed them.

Now, being stuffed would normally mean that I opt out of dessert. I mean, I can have ice cream at home and since that's so often the only option in the dessert menu for someone with Celiac it's no real loss. This restaurant certainly made me stretch my diet though and I decided that I should try one of their half dozen GF dessert options. The one that really called to me was the chocolate-chip bread and butter pudding. Now, pudding according to English people is not what someone from America would expect. In fact, as far as I can tell, it can often encompass most types of dessert. This was not surpsing to me having grown up in Canada and what we got was amazing. A bread pudding that was sweet and cakey but not heavy with a lovely cream to accompany it. It had a sweet, crispy bruleed outside that was delightful. It was a wonderful way to end our meal. Again with the dessert, I found it to be just the perfect amount when shared between the two of us.

I will certainly be making more trips to this quaint little restaurant in the future. I want to try everything on their GF menu but it will be hard to turn down such excellent pizza to do so! In short, give them a go, you shouldn't be disappointed in the selection!